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Player Reports

Last Updated: 2024-02-29

We strive to ensure that everyone has a positive gaming experience while playing THE FINALS. If you come across any inappropriate behavior or cheating while playing, we encourage you to report it immediately using the in-game player report function.

You can do so during a game by opening the Menu (ESC) and click on Social. From there, you choose which player you would like to report by either clicking their Name and Report Player or click on the Triangle-icon on the right of their name.

Another way to do it is: 

  1. Go to the "Social"  tab located at the top right of the game menu next to the gear icon. 

  2. Navigate to the "Recent" section and locate the player you wish to report.

  3. Open the player's profile and select "Report Player" from the options.

  4. Choose the reason for your report from the available options.

  5. Provide any additional information that may be relevant to your report.


By using the in-game player report function, you will help us keep the game fair and enjoyable. We investigate every report thoroughly and take appropriate action against any player found to be violating our policies.

Thank you for helping us maintain a positive gaming environment for all.

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