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Last Updated: 2025-03-04

Sponsorships allow contestants to progress their career. Each contestant picks a sponsor to sign with for the season, and receives exclusive rewards for earning fans by competing in the arena and completing contracts.


General Rules

  • You can only pick one sponsor for the season

  • Once you have signed you will not be able to switch sponsors, so choose wisely!

  • Each sponsor has a Loyalty Tier with 20 rewards that can be earned by signing and gaining fans throughout the season

  • Earn fans by performing support, combat, and objective actions that catch the eyes of the CEOs


Sponsor Loyalty

  • The same sponsor can return for multiple seasons

  • When a sponsor returns, a new Loyalty Tier will be created for players who have signed with the sponsor previously. This Loyalty Tier will feature new and leveled-up rewards that showcase the contestant’s loyalty

  • If you sign up for a returning sponsor for the first time, you will only be able to unlock and earn the first Loyalty Tier

  • If you have signed with a sponsor before but did not finish the Loyalty Tier, you will start from where you left off and the fans needed for the tier will be reduced by 0% so you will quickly catch up


Sponsor Showdown

Contribute to the battle and promote your Sponsor by earning fans in the Sponsor Showdown! Any map you play across all modes will help your sponsor earn more ad space in the Arena. The look and branding of each map can be altered, based on the outcome of your matches. 


How it works

  • The three sponsors get points based on their performance during the season and are granted upon showdown start

  • Each map will have a daily competition to see which sponsor is dominating the Arena by ranking them based on the average fans earned per contestant for each sponsor

  • At the end of every 24-hour period, sponsors will add points to their Showdown Standings based on their performance in each Arena location. For every map, the sponsor with the most earned Fans will get 3 points, followed by 2 points for second place, and 1 point for third

  • You can add to your sponsor's Standing by playing any mode, not just the World Tour



All players who competed will receive a reward at the start of next season, from the sponsor with the highest Showdown Standing at the end of the Sponsor Showdown


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