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Community Tournament Guidelines

Last Updated: 2024-04-05

We at Embark strive to create a community that encourages creativity and shares a passion for our games. We encourage our players and community members to organize tournaments and do not object to your use of THE FINALS game (“THE FINALS”) to run community tournaments, provided that such tournaments comply with these guidelines (“Guidelines”).  These Guidelines are intended to promote competition and to help ensure that all competitive play of THE FINALS is fun and fair.


Community tournaments are small-scale events that may include up to a maximum of 200 participants for in-person tournaments or up to a maximum of 300 participants for online tournaments.

The purpose of a community tournament is to share your passion for the game you love. This does not mean that you cannot charge reasonable entry fees. However, we urge you to keep those fees low to make tournaments accessible. To this end, organizers that have reached the legal age of majority in their jurisdiction may charge not more than $20 (USD) per participant. 


Likewise, please keep your prize pools small. The aggregate cash or cash value allocated to your prize pool for all tournaments within a calendar year must not exceed $10,000 (USD), and no individual tournament prize may exceed a market value of $5,000 (USD).


Embark is the owner of all intellectual property rights in and to THE FINALS, any associated trademarks, and gameplay. If you stream your tournament, you may not, and may not permit anyone, to broadcast your tournament on non-streaming platforms, via pay-per-view or otherwise through paid subscriptions. We reserve the right to send take-down notices or otherwise enforce our intellectual property rights with respect to any broadcast in violation of this section.

The main title of your tournament event may not contain Embark trademarks or other intellectual property, such as the Embark company name, logo, product or service names, including game titles, character names, or other names taken from THE FINALS (“Embark IP”).  You may, however, reference THE FINALS and use THE FINALS game title and logo to indicate which game is being played at the tournament. Any such use of Embark IP is subject to our instructions and guidelines as communicated from time to time, and any other restrictions we may place on the use of such Embark IP. You may not use the name of the sponsor or partner in the title of your tournament event.

All promotional and other information material about your tournament shall explicitly state that it is “Not sponsored by - or affiliated with - Embark Studios AB” or shall include similar language to that effect. 

You may not use any Embark IP: 

  • to promote your tournament (otherwise than to reference THE FINALS as the game to be played at the tournament) or in any other way that may suggest that your tournament is endorsed or approved by or affiliated with Embark in any way or is sponsored by or an “official” event of Embark;

  • in a manner that may damage the value, reputation, or goodwill of Embark IP, or Embark’s products, services or brands (as determined in our sole discretion); or

  • to create, market or sell merchandise of any kind, including intangible or digital merchandise.

Please note that THE FINALS may contain third-party licensed content that has not been expressly cleared for your use in the community tournament. Do not use such licensed content and any such use is at your own risk and is not authorized by Embark.


You - and all sponsors and partners of your tournament - must adhere to our Terms of Service and End User License Agreement (including the Code of Conduct) and our Privacy Policy. 

You are prohibited from involving or associating with sponsors or partners who engaged in the sale, distribution, marketing, or exploitation of any of the following:

  • illegal products or services or products or services that are in any way related to pornography or any sexually explicit materials, or dating products or services

  • Alcohol, tobacco, cigarettes or similar products

  • Firearms, explosives, or other weapons

  • Gambling/wagering/lottery products or services, including sports betting and daily fantasy sites or similar services;

  • Political ads or otherwise promoting a political agenda

  • Content that is inconsistent with the ESRB, PEGI, or applicable ratings of THE FINALS. 


We urge you to make tournament rules available at least a month before your tournament starts. Please do not contact us to review or approve your tournament rules. It is your responsibility to make sure that the rules of the tournament, your partners, sponsors and participants comply with these Guidelines and with all applicable laws and regulations. We reserve the right to check the rules you publish at any time.  We also reserve the right to take appropriate action against any tournament organizer that does not follow these Guidelines, including by revoking your right to use THE FINALS in your tournament, at our sole discretion.

Please note that these Guidelines are subject to change. We are still testing mechanisms in relation to community-driven events and will regularly improve upon these Guidelines.


If you have any requests or questions regarding these Guidelines please contact us at 


Publication date: April 4, 2024

Effective date: April 4, 2024

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