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Ranked Tournament

Last Updated: 2024-05-16

Ranked Tournament

Ranked tournament is where you really get to put your competitive skills to the test as you make your way to the top of the pyramid. The rules of ranked tournaments have been updated with season two, thanks to the feedback of our players. Let's get right into how it works!

Like before,  the tournament consists of 3 rounds where 8 teams will battle to reach the final round. In this mode, teams have limited respawn credits, and will lose cash on team wipes.

Starting your ranked progression now begins with 8 placement rounds. A ranked tournament consists of three rounds,  so you can earn your placement in three matches if you win them all. Otherwise, just keep at it until you have completed 8 rounds. You will then be ready to climb the ranks and earn fame and fortune in the tournament.


  • Rank is reset at the beginning of each season. 

  • Begin by completing 8 placement rounds.

  • Earn cash by successfully cashing out and eliminating your opponents

  • Qualify by finishing in the top 2 during knockout rounds

  • Victory is achieved by winning the final round

  • The reserve is only accessible in between rounds

  • Round goes to overtime if a cashout is in progress when time expires

  • League progression is enabled


There are five league ranks: bronze, silver, gold, platinum and diamond. After the placement rounds, you work your way up each ranked league. A new feature for this season is that you can also lose progression and move down in the leagues should you experience a losing streak. Inactivity does not affect your standing in a league, and ranked rewards are based on your highest place - so you will keep any rewards you have earned even if you derank.

Since fame points (FP) are no longer used your rank is determined by how well you do in the tournaments overall. Instead a new metric is used based on rounds or tournaments won over time. We are working on making this more visible to the user, but our aim is to create a system that is better at matchmaking that leads to higher quality matches and more balanced teams.

League rewards
You can unlock permanent rewards by progressing in our leagues. These exclusive rewards include limited-edition cosmetic items to showcase your achievements, and they change with every season.
Rewards are awarded based on your highest achieved league rank. There are five tiers of rewards based on what rank you have achieved during the season.

Matchmaking in ranked tournaments is based on your rank, but you can play a ranked tournament together with friends if you add them to your party. Matchmaking is then based on the player in your party with the highest rank. 

Dropping rank
If you do poorly in matches, your rank can decrease to a lower tier. You can always gain your rank back, and any rewards you have unlocked will be yours to keep. 

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