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Arena variants

Last Updated: 2023-12-06

Wait, where’d that cashout station go? Arena variants are yet another way our virtual architects like to make sure that no two rounds are the same. 

You’ll always see an arena variant before a match starts, so make sure to adjust your loadout to take full advantage!

Arena variants
DefaultA standard arena, ready for destruction.
Moving PlatformsVaults or cashout stations can be found on platforms moving around the arena.
Under ConstructionThe otherwise blocked off building in the heart of Seoul can now be accessed.
Suspended StructuresCashout stations are suspended high above the arena.
Duck and CoverOur duck mascot has decided to crash the party and crush part of the arena.
Down, Up, Left, RightIn this variant, Moving Platforms meets Suspended Structures.
High RiseThe center area of the arena has been elevated to new heights
SandstormA mighty cloud of sand has added a distinct desert flair to the Las Vegas arena

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