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Accessibility and button remapping

Last Updated: 2023-12-07

THE FINALS includes a range of accessibility options, including colorblind modes, adjustable button mappings and customizable subtitles.

To adjust your accessibility settings, select the gear icon in the top-right of the screen, then go to Settings > Accessibility

Colorblind mode

Colorblind mode can be enabled from the accessibility screen. The game currently supports adjusted color schemes for deuteranopia, tritanopia and protanopia.


Subtitles can be enabled through the accessibility screen. If necessary, legibility can be further improved by adjusting the background opacity and text size.

Button remapping

Button mappings can be adjusted to your preferences, including to account for permanent, temporary or situational motor impairments.


If you’re playing with a controller, navigate to Settings > Controller > Controller Bindings to remap your controller bindings. 

Mouse and keyboard

For players using mouse and keyboard, navigate toSettings > Mouse and Keyboard > Key Bindings to adjust your key bindings.


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