Last Updated: 2025-03-11
The Clubs feature allows you to create a club, invite friends and other players with shared goals, and enjoy playing together in the Arena!
What are the requirements to create a Club?
What can I customize in my Club?
As a Club owner, you can customize:
What privacy options are available for Clubs?
Can I change my Club's privacy settings?
Yes, leaders can toggle privacy settings at any time.
How do I join a Club?
Are there any level requirements?
No, there are no level requirements to join a Club.
How often can I join or leave Clubs?
You can join or leave a Club at any point.
What tags can I use to search for Clubs?
How are requests and invitations handled?
What happens when a Club is full or private?
What are the Club roles and their responsibilities?
Manages invites and members, and configures the Club.
Assists the Owner in inviting, handling requests, and managing lower-tier roles.
Helps recruit members by sending invites.
Ownership goes to the next highest admin. For example, if the Owner leaves the club, the ownership goes to the Manager by default. If there is no Manager and the Owner leaves, the ownership goes to the Scout.
Regular members without admin rights, assigned Club ranks based on completed Club Contracts:
Do ranks transfer if I leave a Club?
No, ranks do not transfer. You will start as a Rookie in a new Club.
How many members can a Club have?
A maximum of 50 members.
Is there a chat feature for Clubs?
Yes, Clubs have a dedicated lobby chat that updates in real-time. (Please note that this feature currently only is available on PC)
What is the Club Wall?
The Club Wall helps Club members stay in the loop with your Club’s latest activities, such as who joined the Club, as well as allowing Club members to party up swiftly.
What are the benefits of being in a Club?
Do these bonuses stack with other party bonuses?
Yes, Club bonuses are additive to existing party bonuses.