Last Updated: 2025-03-04
A new Battle Pass is released each season, and it is packed with rewards that you unlock by playing a season. Some of the rewards on the Battle Pass are free for everyone, and some require the Premium Battle Pass.
With every match you play, you earn VRs, a currency that lets you unlock new Specializations, Weapons and Gadgets. Your VRs are displayed at the top of the Backstage screen.
To unlock new equipment:
As you play matches, you will also gain experience points (XP), which automatically reward you with cosmetics as you pass specific points in your career. These rewards are referred to as career rewards, and are great cosmetics you can earn simply by playing THE FINALS!
Each stop on the World Tour introduces a new set of contracts. These contracts refresh and the previous challenges lock at each stop. Completing contracts grant XP and Cosmetics also known as Circuit Rewards. Each Circuit comprises three stages, with multiple contracts available each season. These Circuits unlock progressively throughout the season, and are replaced with new ones at the season’s end.
Multibucks is the premium currency of THE FINALS. You can use multibucks to purchase the Premium Battle Pass, specific cosmetics like gun charms, pets and skins, or full bundles to really give your contestant a unique look. Multibucks can be earned from the Premium Battle Pass.
Progressing in ranked leagues allows you to unlock permanent rewards. These exclusive rewards include limited-edition cosmetic items to showcase your achievements, and they change with every season. Rewards are awarded based on your highest achieved league rank, excluding ruby. There are six tiers of rewards based on what rank you have achieved during the season.