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Account FAQ

Last Updated: 2024-02-29

Can I disconnect my Steam account from my Embark ID if my account has been banned in THE FINALS?

No. Disconnecting the Steam account from a banned account is not possible.

Why can’t I disconnect my Steam account?

There are two possible reasons:

1. Your account has been banned. In this case, you won’t be able to disconnect your Steam from a banned account.

2. You have disconnected a Steam account less than 2 days ago. There is a 2-day cooldown on account reconnections.

How do I connect or disconnect a Steam/Xbox/Playstation account from my Embark ID?

Once you’ve logged into your Embark ID here:, head over to Connected Platforms. You will find a full list of connected accounts, where you can connect or disconnect them.

How many accounts can be linked to my Embark ID?

Only one account per platform can be connected to one Embark ID.

DO NOT DISCONNECT YOUR ACCOUNT if it's your sole account, as this will lead to permanently delete your Embark ID, lose any purchased Multibucks, obtained items, battle passes and all game progression! This action cannot be undone.

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