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Creating a contestant

Last Updated: 2024-02-14

Every time you plug into the show, you do so as one of your virtual contestants. Whether you prefer to zipline onto rooftops; charge straight through walls; or defibrillate your teammates: there are many ways to get ahead of the competition and wreak havoc in the arena.

To create a contestant:

  1. From the Backstage, navigate to the Contestants menu
  2. Select one of your empty contestant slots in the top-left of the screen

You can create up to six different contestants, letting you cater your roster to your choice of strategies and assorted mayhem.

Body builds

When creating a contestant, the first choice to make is their body build. This represents your contestant’s physical frame, and greatly affects their strengths and weaknesses: 

  • The Light build is exceptionally fast and agile, but has low health. It’s good for executing hit-and-run tactics, and specializes in stealth and evasion.
  • The Medium build is a jack-of-all-trades, and excels in mid-range combat. It specializes in healing, scanning and providing support.
  • The Heavy build is here to bring the roof down – literally. It has the highest health of all, but its slow movement can make it an easy target. It specializes in demolition and fortifications.

In addition to their health and speed, your contestant’s body build also affects the specializations, weapons and gadgets they have available.

Your loadout

Your custom loadout contains the equipment you have on hand as you plug into the show: one specialization, one weapon, and three gadgets. You may switch between them at any time while in the arena, so experiment with the right combinations to suit your style! 

In addition, your dedicated reserve holds four additional pieces of equipment. You won’t have these on hand while in the arena, but may switch them into your loadout at specific moments in the show, such as after an elimination or in between tournament rounds.

Switch out equipment with reserve
Default button mapping
PlayStation 5 X and Square
Xbox Series X and SX and A

More equipment will need to be unlocked with VRs , which you gain by playing.


You can pick one specialization for each of your virtual contestants: from grappling onto roofs to healing teammates, and from raising fortifications to some real covert reconnaissance.

Changing your contestant’s specialization can only be done from the Backstage.


Weapons are your primary method of dealing damage to your opponents and the arena – you may recognize them by their delightfully harmonic boom!, slam! or ra-ta-ta! sounds.

There’s a wealth of different weapons for you to experiment with: some fire bullets, others launch rockets or throw flames, and some just bonk heads with tremendous flair. 


Weapons are great, but they’re of little use when you’re eliminated. Gadgets provide you with a wide range of tricks to outsmart your opponents, whether it’s raising smoke screens; putting up ziplines; instantly reviving fallen teammates; or revealing a hidden ambush. 

Next up: Playing your first round

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